Liposomes – The Nanotechnology Changing & Challenging the Status Quo
There are a very small number of dietary and nutritional supplement companies that are currently pioneering the benefits of this unique science Bloomin Healthy stands out with its unique proprietary formulas leading the field in the UK fighting to make sure that supplements are worth something not just wasted down the toilet or overcharged worthless capsules and tablets that the big major brands have been churning out for years.
For some time now, there has been a re-orientation taking place in the world of healthcare. Functional substances from nature and knowledge from traditional medicine could be confirmed as effective, by understanding the biochemistry behind them.
Today, the great potential of natural substances has become visible through intensive research and the fact that more and more people are turning to nature and centuries old treatments for cures.
People have been sold a dream for far too long that simple dietary supplements can help them on this journey! The problem of conventional dietary supplements can be found in their form of application. The goal of an active substance is to reach the cells of our tissues via the bloodstream. So, the supplements should in theory reach where they can be most potent.
However, oral vitamins and supplements in tablet and capsule form lose much of their potency as much as 95% LOST during the passage of the gastrointestinal tract or are simply not absorbed into the cells simply cannot pass through the intestinal wall and do not perform their function.
What happens to your vitamin or supplement capsule or tablet? Simple: You excrete all of this unused supplement via intestine or kidney (urine or stool). All that money wasted!
So how can I fix this issue? How can I get 95% absorption? Answer? Use liposomes… and get 95% bio availability.
More about Liposomes
A liposome is a is a sphere-shaped vesicle with a membrane composed of phospholipid bilayer used to deliver drugs, vitamins or supplements into a cell. So basically, what we are saying is our liposomes are the Tesla of the supplement world!
Some would say NANO TECHNOLOGY
Just a fantastic and innovative vehicle to deliver the nutrients without LOSS!
We enclose our formula…. Our supplement inside a protective suit of armour – a phospholipid bilayer made from sunflower and add to water. We do this in order to mimic cell membranes in our bodies which are also composed of molecules called phospholipids! By doing this we can fool the body into accepting our formula and helping to get that 95% absorption.
So, inside our suit of armour this is where we put our formula we can protect our vitamin and supplements and shield them from the damage the body digestive forces trying to break the molecule down. Because it looks exactly like our own bodies molecules the body accepts this and lets it pass to exactly where it is needed and when it reaches there it is welcomed by the cell and therefore is able to be much more potent than a vitamin capsule or tablet that would either just break up or sit in the gut for hours.
What does Bioavailability mean exactly?
Bioavailability is the degree to which a nutrient is available to the body for use and measures the rate that a supplement is absorbed within the body after it has been administered. Just because you take a certain dose of a product, doesn’t always mean that is exactly what your body will receive.
Remember the health food stores with the 20,000mg – 50,000mg dosage all you see in health food shops these days are just large numbers. WHY? Because their products simply do not work and they want you to buy these large numbers so at least something will go into your body. BUT your body does not need or want these high dosages and they can be damaging!